Monday, November 11, 2013

The Best Birthday


Turning 21 is a big deal for most young adults. It means you're legal to drink as much as you want, how you want,whenever you want.  It the time of your life! A time to party, laugh, do stupid things and no one can care or judge and, quite frankly, not remember your actual birthday.

For Mormons, that is not the case.

It is a standard in our church that we do not drink alcohol or any other addictive beverages. Thus, on my 21st birthday, I wasn't expecting to have that great of a time. While I saw all my other friends' pictures on Facebook and Instagram partying and going crazy, I thought, "Wow, I'm going to look like a total dweeb compared to them."

Oh, how I was wrong.

Little did I know, I have the best roommates and friends. EVER. On my actual birthday, I did buy cook with. I made some glorious cupcakes with Kahlua with my favorite Aussie friend. Afterwards, my roommates planned a Mexican dinner at Los Hermanos with our favorite guys. It ended up being 4 guys 4 girls, all matching the person sitting next to us. We looked like a nerdy quadruple date. However, it was worth it and so delicious. Muy Bien!

To top of the night, we played Phase 10 with my main niggas.

Pretty chill. Another year older and another year wiser. Nothing too crazy. No hangover. No puking. No stress. No regret.

And I thought that was that.

WELL. Apparently, when you have REALLY good friends, you have a birthday weekend. On Friday, it was just another Friday night- out to eat with the girls, basketball game, Froyo with the guys. The usual.

We get home to our apartment and my friend Ben texted me to go star gazing. Stacie comes in the door, "Cassie, look who I found!" Me- "Who ( kind of like whhhhhaattttt Stacie, its probably just Ben)"

And who walks in the door.... My BEST FRIENDS HAYLEN AND LUKE FROM ILLINOIS!!!!!

They freaking flew in from Missouri!!!!! Holy Cow! Talk about the ultimate surprise! I freaked out for a couple minutes. Okay. A half an hour. Apparently, my sister, Haylen, and Stacie have been planning this since JUNE.

I showed them around Utah, trying to think of every fun thing to do in Utah to make it look cool. We hiked, hit up Park City, Salt Lake City, played games with some friends, ate Cafe Rio, and just chilled. Typical Utah life.

I hope they enjoyed it. I was more worried about them having fun than them actually being here. That's my personally though.

I know I had a great weekend. Thats for sure. I have the best friends in the world. How was I so blessed to keep my best friends from 6th grade as well as have the most incredible roommates, friends and ward ever?

I know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me. When you do what is right, you truly are blessed. To this day, I still am so thankful for my decision to come out to Utah. I couldn't have made a better life choice.

Furthermore, my 21st WAS the time of my life and i thoroughly enjoyed it. And you know what the best part is?

I remembered every last bit of it.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Baby its true...I Aint Ever Gonna Beat this Summer with You

This is a little delayed, but I neeed to write it.

This summer was one of the best summers of my life. I mean, I think I say that every summer. And besides the summer of 2012 when I studied abroad in Australia,New Zealand, and Fiji, this summer was one of the bests that I've had.

It was a tough decision if I wanted to go back home to Illinois or stay in Provo for the summer. While going to good old Tville would have been fun, I knew I would be around things that weren't exactly up to my standards. I knew that I needed to stay in Utah even though all my friends were going home or abroad.

I had a strong feeling that I should sign a contract at the Village. Why? Its full of bros and barbies? I gave it a shot because the feeling wouldn't go away. It was a nice place with a single room that I could just have a chill summer to myself in. Little did I know, I would make some of the best friends of my life.

I moved in and immediately knew i would love my roommates. Kristen, short, blonde, pixie cut hair dresser with a bubbly personality who was always down to have fun. Crystel, a nice, Guatemalan, who was super chill and easy to talk to. We had a chill roommate life and never had issues.

I was welcome into my ward right off the bat. Carissa and Alyssa were very friendly and told me i was pretty. I knew we would be friends. haha.

The ward was always hanging out together, whether it was a BBQ or camping trip, they were always down to have fun.

Memorial Day, me and Natalie took a Cali trip to see Stacie. We bonded in that long 9 hours and we learned a lot about each other. Once in Cali, we had a lot of fun. Beach. Hollywood sign hike. Swimming. The life. For real. <3

The start of the fun started with the Mona trip. Thats when the wolfpack began. Bec. Carissa. Me. We did the rope swing, where I almost died. Literally. Its fine. But it was a good time nonetheless. We told stories around the fire for hours and talked and star gazed and camped out.

After that I felt like I was really a part of the crew. Did I mention Bishop Freeze was seriously the best bishop ever? He had such faith and love and was always a part of the fun. He would come to our activities.

The Massive Moab Trip was a fun event. It was my first time actually going jeeping. It was so legit. The wolfpack ended up sleeping under the stars because we didnt bring a tent. Oops. But we cuddled. It was fine. Except I woke up to a squirril on my chest....ick!

I was an EFY counselor in Missouri at Mizzou and it was literally the grestest week of my life. It changed my life. Before that I was thinking a lot about going on a mission and had talked to my bishop and he told me to fast and pray about it. That week I went to EFY and KNEW that I was to go on a mission. I loved teaching the kids and letting them know the importance of the gospel and that it is COOL to be Mormon. My kids were an example to me, even though I was to be an example to them. I think about them everyday still <3 One of my girls, Brittany, just recently got baptized because she said this EFY was different than any other and wanted to change. To hear that was seriously SO rewarding. Im soooo proud of her and glad that I had an impact on her life.

After EFY I started my mission papers. I then went to Illinois for a couple weeks and slacked on them. I didnt do a whole lot there but lay out and do art projects because everyone there is still stuck in High School and just parties all the time. Which is fine. But I dont wanna be a part of that scene anymore. It was super nice though to be home and chill. My friends there will always be my best friends and whenever I come home its like I never left. What we have is like nothing else.

I got back and immediately went on another AMAZING Cali trip with Tara. Beach. John Mayer. Beach. Da Life. I never wanted to leave. Ever.

I went on a Zions trip with some peeps from the ward. It was a crazy hike but super fun. I met some cool people and made lasting friendships.

The last month of summer was a little crazy just because I was homeless for a couple weeks. It was frustrating not having my own home. Luckily Alyssa went to Hawaii and I was able to stay in her apartment while she was gone for the most part.

All in all. This summer was great. From the long work days. To the 7 Peaks adventures. To the late nights. To the BBQs. To the crinkles, it was a great one. Im sad its over but its nice to be back in school and back in the groove of things. I am so glad I stayed in Provo because I know I made right choices here and met people who will be my friends forever. I love the relationships I have here and my life. While sometimes I may think I could be better off somewhere else, I know I'm right where I am supposed to be.



Friday, August 23, 2013

Letter To Me

Do you all know that Brad Paisley song, "Letter to Me?" It talks about what he would do if he could write a letter to himself at 17 to help him through life. 17 was truly an awesome year in my 2 decades of life when I think back to it. A lot of changes, a lot of fights, a lot of love, a lot of tears, a lot of laughter...

I want to write a letter to myself as Brad did, just to reflect and reminiscence on the good times and see what i would have done differently.

Here it goes:

"If i could write a letter to me, and send it back to myself at 17....First off Cass, on your birthday wear an extra pad to save Kyle Christian the horror of seeing blood on the seat of Tori's car. Sorry Ky. & Tor, but don't worry, it comes out. Try harder in seminary, try to get more out of it. The church is true and you need to realize that now before you do something super dumb. Don't buy that pink too too looking homecoming dress, it doesn't make you look good event though you think it does, oh well, it was fun anyway.

When Kyle breaks his collar bone, be there for him to comfort him. Just be support and loving. Oh, also, when he tells you he loves you, don't be awkward, say it back quickly you goon. He is the best thing that will ever happen to you in the next few years.

Don't cheat in chemistry, you WILL get caught. Luckily you're cute so you never seem to get into too much trouble.

When Kyle gets mad at you for not wanting to "go farther" with him, don't give in. You're a strong girl and don't need a boy to make you happy.

Avoid the pointless fights with him in general. Have fun with your friends and have fun with him, but know how to balance it, you don't want to turn into one of those girls who is always with her boyfriend. No fun.

Spend more time with your family. Don't work so much, especially on Sundays, its not worth it in the long run. Save you money and don't spend it all on clothes.

Enjoy Christmas, don't be awkward and intimidated by Kyle's family.

Dont do what you did on Chad's birthday. It isnt worth it. It got you into trouble and even though Kyle forgave you, it caused more problems in the long run.

Dont fret about NHS, you will get in.

Prom was the bomb. Don't be so obsessed over your weight. You will look beautiful no matter what.

When you wanna go park out by the YMCA, don't, on second thought, that one ends up kind of funny.

Enjoy the little things. Appreciate everyone. Work hard in school but play harder. You had the time of your life that year and made some of the best friends that are still around today."

While yes, there are things I would have wished didn't happen, I have no regrets. I learned from my mistakes. Those mistakes make me who I am today. Without them, I don't know who i would be today. They made me stronger and have a stronger love and testimony for the gospel and Atonement. In 20 years I'll probably want to write a letter to myself at 20, but hey, all i can do now is live my life with a positive outlook, enjoy the little things, and love everyone.

Live your life to it's fullest <3

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The 5 Realms of Dating

The realm of dating world is a complicated, complicated place. As a young teenager, it was simple: You're cute. I'm cute. Lets go out. Then you never talk to each other again except on AOL instant messenger and dances. Now, as a 20 year old young, independent, woman, life is a little different.

Realm 1:

You like a really cute guy, like Channing Tatum status. You chase after him and try so hard for him to like you and he wants nothing to do with you but be friends.

Realm 2:

You like a really cute guy, like Ryan Gossling status. He starts to show interest in you and you're not opposed. You start to text, hangout, cuddle, etc. You may even start to date a little. Then, he totally screws you over for a tall, skinny, blonde.

Realm 3:

You try to give the nice guy a chance. You know you should like him, but you aren't really that attracted to him. You start to hang out to see if it will work. He starts to fall for you and you want nothing to do with him but be his best friend. 

Realm 4:

You show interest in a decently cute guy, but he's still not up to that Dave Franco status you prefer. You decide to give it a try, since nice guys are nice and you want to be treated right for once. He starts to like you because its inevitable, you're hot, and you don't like him, AT ALL. He really starts to like you and you are literally grossed out at the thought of kissing him. You feel bad, but its the ugly truth.

Realm 5:

You just want to hook up with someone because you've been a beached whale for a while and the guy falls totally in love with you and wants to be your boyfriend after 2 hours of knowing you and you just wanted to make out. 

Its a rough life man. Dating doesn't get any easier. Especially at BYU. It has put this thought in your head that if you don't graduate married you're doomed for life. When in fact that is totally false, it is kind of annoying to not date anyone. Everyone is happier when they have love. 

I find myself in Realm 4 a lot. I don't mean to be a brat, but I find myself being one a lot. I don't know if its because once i have them it's not a game anymore or what, but i always find myself stop liking guys once they start to like me. I know its wrong but it happens. But you honestly can't make it work with someone who you are not attracted to: it just wont work

One day, maybe one day I will find that guy who is both attractive and nice. But right now, it seems like you cant have both. Ya cant win em all as my good friend Brian Barzee says. But my advice to you and myself right now at this point in life is this: 

  • Dont be too picky but dont settle.
  • Dont think too hard.
  • Dont be a brat but dont lead guys on.
  • If a guy doesnt like you, screw em ( not literally)

<3 Cassie 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


2 Years ago, we graduated high school....wait what? Is this real life? Weren't we all just 14 year old freshman obsessing over Ryan Jones? Time truly flies and sometimes I think we take it for granted. It's crazy where our life paths have taken us and how accomplished we all are and will continue to be.

Look at us, we are all so different and live completely different lives. Some of us in different states. However, in times of need, we all got each other's back and will take someone down if we need to. We may not talk everyday, or know every detail in each other's lives, but we are SAVAGE sisters and have such a great sisterhood and bond. We're like a mini sorority;)

  • Tori Atwood is the VP of Zeta, has the cutest high school sweetheart and is going to be a kick butt PR specialist one day.
  • Alex Dorchinecz just recently got into the Milliken nursing program and is going to be the cutest mom/nurse anyone has ever seen. 
  • Abby Verardi is now a junior in the Milliken nursing program and is one of the top in her class. She is a freaken badass and doesnt take shiz from no one. She finally found the love of her life ( who is perfect I might add) and will soon have her crazy country family of 5 boys. Taylorville,watch out!
  • Rani Wright realized what her true calling in life is, teaching. Something she is naturally amazing at and will be a prettier, skinnier, and more awesome version of Mr. McCullough;)
  • Matthew Steele is kicking butt in Chi-town with his music and producing and meeting all sorts of celebs. He will one day be famous and i WILL be featured in a music video doing "The Cassie" just will be the new Wop.
  • Madison Siegrist is already is done with her schooling and has her career started. She freaking awesome at hair and is slowly turning into Tracy more and more everyday ;) She is still a goofball but can lighten anyone's day with her positive and bubbly personality.
  • Allyson Goeckner is on the honor roll & deans list at Robert Morris. I know I know, she can't believe it either;) But seriously thats awesome and she finally dropped her douche of a boyfriend and is being a beautiful, independent woman.
  • Kate Wallace joined the National Guard, something that not many people, let alone girls can handle. She has the biggest heart of anyone i know and will save many lives mentally and physically in her future work.
  • Chloe Burtle is almost done with her associates degree from LLCC and loving her life with Trey. We always said it would be Chloe to get married first cuz she is the last person we would expect. I guess we were right:) Cant wait for that wedding!
  • Michelle Nelson has had the chance to be who she really wants to be and doesn't care what people think. College was a time of transition for her to come out and be herself and not what society wanted. Her girlfriend is gorgeous. I know Michelle will use her art skills to create great pieces of work in the future. 
  • Erica Copenbarger works her butt off at Loft and LLCC so she can go to Eastern in the fall, getting the hell out of dodge of Tville. Even though she works hard, she plays harder;)
  • Ally Wernsing is going to U OF I! HOO HOO! One of the best colleges in Illinois.She may be a little less creepy, but she will always be Creep in my book;) You rock that short hair btw.
  • Alysa White is still doing work with her Golden Apple Scholarship and will be the best Elementary School our kids will see. 
  • Katie Farnsworth is as cray cray as ever but she's still one of the most badass people I know. She just moved to Salt Lake City to start a new chapter in her life and start school at UVU in the fall. 
  • Brittin Domonousky is still a goofball and her laugh can still make me pee my pants. Mickey Dee's is paying off and she's going to SIUE in da fall to party hardy and get out of this hell hole. So proud of you shoes!
  • Shannon Mitchell is still playing softball and still doing work with it. Not many people stick with sports in college but you did my friend! Keep with it girl and keep up the great work in school. Oh, and keep on hanging loose;)
  • Savannah Butcher has always been a sort of mother figure to all of our friends and would and STILL WILL pick anyone's drunk ass up from a party and nurse them back to help. She realized she was not about that Chi-Town life, which is completely understandable. She's working 2 jobs and preparing to do great things in the future. Your puppy is adorable btw.:) 
  • Amanda Huber still has one of the best bodies I have ever seen and is still a cray cray mofo but I absolutely love it. She's now a nutrition major I beleive? which is PERFECT for her because she will be so good at it. I see her influencing and saving many people's lives in the future.
  • Peyten Lefever still has one of the best laughs and makes me smile every time i see her. I know you want to radiology but LLCC is dumb and the program is booked for a while. But you rocked the eff out of LLCC and will accomplish great things in the future. Idk if you're moving to Florida with your mom or not but if you do, that'd be pretty dope.
  • Then it brings me. Out in Utah, total 360 of my life than what i had expected 2 years ago but I'm loving it. I wouldnt change my decision to come here for the world. Def. one of the best things I could ever do for myself. Dont really have my major shiz figured completely out yet, but I'm getting there. 

That's our SAVAGE group. I truly feel closer to you 20 girls because of this group. Thank you so much Tori and Michelle for creating it. No other grade can say they are as close as we are, and that's a fact! Each and every one of you have shaped me and made an impact on my life. I know we will all be successful in different ways in all different parts of the world. But in the end, we all have Taylorville pride and were raised a Tornado and that's why we are the way we are today. I know we may have complained and hated it when we were younger, but I wouldnt change it for the world. We truly had the best time growing up, from the proms to omis's parties, to girls nights, to riding around, to water ballooning, to getting in trouble with cops, to Madison bringing beer to class. I hope to spend the next 20 years with y'all as well. Good luck in the next 2-3 years of undergrad college ladies ( and gentleman). We got this far, we're on the homestretch now!

Love you all. See you soon.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Just Another Face In the Crowd.

You know, everyone complains at how much Taylorville sucks and how bad they want to get out. But honestly, it’s because they haven’t got out that they still think like that. I’ve gotten out, wayyy out, but when I come back, I appreciate how much I absolutely love the place.

I loved my life in Taylorville. I was a “somebody.” In high school I had everything I could ever want—a perfect boyfriend, perfect friends, varsity sports, popularity, blonde cute hair, cute clothes, good grades, a nice car, a rockin bod—the things every high school girl wants. I was happy. I wouldn’t change anything about it. I was friends with everyone and I could get any guy that I ever wanted, but I just chose to have one, the perfect one.

Then senior year came and it was time to start thinking about growing up. After much anguish and tears I decided to go to BYU. It was one of the best decisions of my life and I am soooooo glad that I did because, let’s be honest, I would be dead if I went to a real college with my friends.

However, sometimes I really miss home. When I’m at school, it’s like a huge competition, about EVERYTHING. And sometimes, well most of the time, it’s really annoying. I was smart in high school, or so I thought. EVERYONE at BYU was the smartest in his or her high school and it’s a huge competition to see who gets the best grades. Friends are kind of hard to make because girls are the competition and no one wants to make girl friends, they’re just worried about making guy friends. The friends I do have aren’t really good friends and don’t know how to include me in plans even though I invite them to EVERYTHING, but that’s a whole other subject. Everyone dresses up for class because it’s a competition to see who looks the cutest and who can get the guy. Its like freaken animals at a water hole when it comes to finding a guy to date. Like, what? I never ever have had this problem. I used to be able to basically snap my fingers and any guy would want to date me. Not the case at BYU. I am basically invisible.

When I come home, I feel important. I feel like somebody. Guys text me. My friends love me. They WANT to hang out with me. It’s hard to make time for everyone because everyone wants to hang. Guys wanna hangout with ME, not my hot roommates or friends. We have fun and go to parties and go boggin’. We laugh about stupid shiz and do stupid shiz and live our lives like 20 year olds should. Not just sitting back passively and watching movies. No. I’m not about that life.

I love Taylorville with all my heart and everyone in it. Sometimes I wish I would have stayed. Maybe I would have been happier. But I know that leaving was for the best. It just sucks a little sometimes. I am glad that I got to come home this week and reminiscence on good times and make new good times. I absolutely LOVE my Taylorville friends and they will be irreplaceable in my heart. <3

I hope that in the future I can have my life that I had in Taylorville in Utah and be a somebody and not just another face in the crowd, but for now, ill just push my way through the crowd and head for center stage….

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It happens.

So i read this blog and thought it was absolutely hilarious! We know it happens to the best of us. We all have those embarrassing moments that we never want ANYONE to find out about. One of those embarrassing moments is when your stomach is grumbling, and not because you're hungry. Its because you have to fart. or poop. and it is truly the worst thing in the world.

The Fart That (Almost) Altered My Destiny hahasforhoohas.comAnna shares an outrageous story about a fart that (almost) altered her destiny on a date with the man of her dreams.

So I'm going to share my most embarrassing moment.

It was about a month ago on campus and i was feeling especially sick that day. I don't know what I had eaten or what had gotten into me but it was not good.

Well, i was in a geology review that covered 6 chapters. Well by chapter 3, i was feeling it. I had to go to the bathroom, like NOW. I decided to hold it because i really needed to study for this test so i stuck it out. By chapter 4 i started sweating. By chapter 5 i had to get out of there because it was seeping out. I was in the Eyring Center on campus and i am not familiar with that building at all. I was frantically looking for a bathroom but i couldn't find one anywhere in sight. So i ran out the building to the SWKT and thats when it happened. As i ran down each step of the Eyring building stairs, poop started coming out. I couldn't hold it in! It had a mind of its own and wasn't going back in!

I got in the SKWT bathroom and just exploded. It was like Daddy Day Care, you know, when Eddie Murphy looks into the stall and has a disgusted look on his face and looks all over, even at the ceiling. Literally, that was what happened to me. It was EVERYWHERE!

What was i to do? I couldn't walk home in poopy pants. I had to wash them out in the sink... So yes. I threw my underwear away and washed my jeans out in the sink of the SWKT bathroom. Luckily. it was 8 o clock at night and no one came in.

Once i walked the walk of shame home, everything was better. But still. I had to live with being probably the only person to ever poop their pants on BYU campus.

Its all laughs and giggles now but at the time, i was horrified.

So when life gets you down, just remember. There could be worse things. Everyone has embarrassing moments.

It happens.

<3 Cassie